

Welcome to the LBANK API! You can use our API to access all market data, trading, and account management endpoints.The version of the document is V2,and it will continuously update.

LBANK offers powerful APIs for you to integrate into your applications. They are divided into three categories: account, trading, and market trends.

The account and trading APIs require authentication with an API key which allows you to create order、cancel order、query order and account info.

The market data API is publicly accessible and provides market data such as:historical price of trading pairs.


To access the API, create an API key via this link API Key. Follow the instructions in setting up access.

Please remember below information after creation:

LBank support both RSA and HmacSHA256 signature.


Developers can use the LBank API in a way that suits them based on their preferences and usage scenarios. We currently provide in different language versions. Each SDK include full function interface in example file for directly using or testing. If you want to implement the SDK based on other language such as C#, the existing SDKs could be your best reference.

Endpoints Configurations

We offers REST and WebSocket APIs. Both support market data, trading, and withdrawals.


REST (Representational State Transfer) is the most popular internet software architecture nowadays. It is clear in structure, easy to understand, and convenient to expand. More and more companies therefore apply the structures in their websites. It has following advantages:

1.In a RESTful architecture, each URL represents a resource
2.Between the client and the server, a certain presentation layer of such resources passed
3.The client uses the four HTTP commands to operate on the server-side resources to achieve “state transition of the presentation layer.”

We suggested that user should use the REST API for trading and/or asset operations (such as deposite and withdrawals)

WebSocket API

WebSocket protocol which achieves full-duplex communications over a single TCP connection between client and server is based on a new network protocol of the TCP. Server sends information to client, reducing unnecessary overhead such as frequent authentication. It greatest advantage includes that:

1.Request header is small in size (2 Bytes) .
2. The server no longer passively responses after receiving the client's request, but actively pushes the new data to the client.
3. There is no need to establish and close TCP connection repeatedly, so it saves bandwidth and server resources.


Live Date Time(UTC+8) API Type Description
2019.10.24 19:00 Init new version
2019.11.30 19:00 API Add Add /v2/
2019.12.09 19:00 API Add Add HmacSHA256
2019.12.16 19:00 Echostr Update Update echostr param
2020.2.24 19:00 /v2/ Add Add new API
2020.3.04 19:00 WebSocket Add Asset & Order add customerID return message
2020.06.10 19:00 /v2/ Update type add buy_maker, sell_maker, buy_ioc, sell_ioc, buy_fok, sell_fok
2020.07.07 19:00 /v2/ Add add get_deposit_address endpoint
2020.07.07 19:00 /v2/ Add add deposit_history endpoint
2021.06.28 19:00 WebSocket Add orderUpdate add orderPrice,orderAmt,avgPrice,accAmt,remainAmt
2021.07.13 19:00 API Add Added GET /v2/ticker/ currency market interface, it is recommended to replace GET /v2/
2021.07.27 19:00 WebSocket Add Add assetUpdate
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Added Get system status.
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Added Get all the currency information for users (LBK supports deposit and withdrawal operations).
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Added User withdrawal (multi-chain support)
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Added User gets deposit history Optimize return field
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Added User acquisition history optimization
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Added User gets deposit address (supports multiple chains)
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Added Asset details listed
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Added User transaction fee rate query
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Added Query user API Key permissions
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Added Test server connectivity
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Added List of recent deals Optimize fields
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ticker/ Addition Get latest price of trading pair
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ticker/ Add Current optimal pending order
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Add Test order
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Add Order Optimization field
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Add Cancel order Optimize fields
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Add Cancel all pending orders for a single trading pair
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Add Query order optimization field
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Add Current pending orders Optimization field
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Add Query all orders Optimize fields
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Add Account Information
2022.02.14 19:00 /v2/supplement/ Added Historical transaction details
2022.11.03 18:00 /v2/ Update Increase the order expiration time
2022.11.03 18:00 /v2/ Update Increase the order expiration time
2022.11.03 18:00 /v2/supplement/ Update Increase the order expiration time
2022.11.03 18:00 /v2/ticker/ Update Exclude ETF trading data
2022.11.03 18:00 /v2/ Update Exclude ETF trading data
2022.11.03 18:00 /v2/etfTicker/ Added Obtain ETF trading performance data
2022.12.16 18:00 /v2/ Update The query time is in seconds
2022.12.16 18:00 /v2/supplement/ Update The query time is in seconds
2023.02.23 18:00 /v2/ Update New return field isMaker whether to mount unilateral
2024.06.06 18:00 REST API Update New global return field msg (detailed description of error code)

Interaction Introduction





Endpoint Rate Limit

Create order and cancel order Request 500/10s

The other Request 200/10s


To protect API communication from unauthorized change, all non-public API calls are required to be signed.

Request Header Setting

You should put the following parameters in every http requests


timestamp: millisecond of current time (1567833674095). It's strongly recommended that you get it from /v2/

signature_method: RSA/HmacSHA256.

echostr: the param is digit or letter,length is from 30 to 40. You can directly use echostr of SDK, it's safe.

Signature Process (how to generate the 'sign' parameter)

1. Get parameter String(need to be signed):

Each required parameter of API, exclude sign, add three additional parameters(signature_method, timestamp, echostr) , then we get the parameter string which need to be signed. The parameter string should be ordered according to the parameter name (first compares the first letter of all parameter names, in alphabet order, if you encounter the same first letter, then look at the second letter, and so on). For example, if we use user_info API, the parameter string is like

string parameters="api_key=c821db84-6fbd-11e4-a9e3-c86000d26d7c&echostr=P3LHfw6tUIYWc8R2VQNy0ilKmdg5pjhbxC7&signature_method=RSA&timestamp=1585119477235"

2. Turn parameters into MD5 digest

The MD5 digest should be Hex encoded and all letters are uppercase.

string preparedStr = DigestUtils.md5Hex(parameters).toUpperCase()

3. Signature:

Users could use their secret key to perform a signature operation (Base64 coded) by RSA or HmacSHA256.

RSA method(signature_method = RSA):

use secret key of your api_key,sign the preparedStr(Base64 encode),then we get the parameter sign.

RSA example:

    public static String RSA_Sign(String preparedStr, String secretKey) {
        try {
            PrivateKey priKey = getPrivateKey(secretKey);
            Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA256WithRSA");
            byte[] signed = signature.sign();
            return new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(signed));
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

    private static PrivateKey getPrivateKey(String key) {
        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(Base64.getDecoder().decode(key));
        PrivateKey privateKey = null;
        try {
            KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(RSA);
            privateKey = keyFactory.generatePrivate(keySpec);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException e) {
        return privateKey;

HmacSHA256 method(signature_method = HmacSHA256):

use secret key of your api_key,make the hash operation of preparedStr,then we get the parameter sign.

HmacSHA256 example:

    public static String HmacSHA256_Sign(String preparedStr, String secretKey) {
        String hash = "";
        try {
            Mac sha256_HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
            SecretKeySpec secret_key = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes(), "HmacSHA256");
            byte[] bytes = sha256_HMAC.doFinal(message.getBytes());
            hash = byteArrayToHexString(bytes);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return hash;


After we get the parameter 'sign', put it together with all required parameters of endpoint, then submit as 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. As user_info endpoint, we should summit the following parameters:



Request Format

All request are GET or POST.


Response Format

Parameter Type Description
result boolean API return,true/false
error_code string return error_code
ts long return timestamp
data object return body

Error code


Error code Description
00000 return success
10000 Internal error
10001 The required parameters can not be empty
10002 Validation Failed
10003 Invalid parameter
10004 Request too frequent
10005 Secret key does not exist
10006 User does not exist
10007 Invalid signature
10008 Invalid Trading Pair
10009 Price and/or Amount are required for limit order
10010 Price and/or Amount must less than minimum require
10011 Buy at market price, price must be passed
10012 Sell at market price, amount must be passed
10013 Order quantity lower than minimum transaction quantity
10014 Insufficient amount of money in account
10015 Invalid order type
10016 Insufficient account balance
10017 Server Error
10018 Page size should be between 1 and 50
10019 Cancel NO more than 3 orders in one request
10020 Volume < 0.001
10021 Price < 0.01
10022 Invalid authorization
10023 Market Order is not supported yet
10024 User cannot trade on this pair
10025 Order has been filled
10026 Order has been cancelld
10027 Order is cancelling
10028 Wrong query time
10029 'from' is not in the query time
10030 'from' do not match the transaction type of inqury
10031 echostr length must be valid and length must be from 30 to 40
10032 The order number does not exist
10033 Failed to create order
10036 customID duplicated
10037 Order has been cancelled or completed
10039 Order timeout cancellation
10066 Please check the chain name
10100 Has no privilege to withdraw
10101 Invalid fee rate to withdraw
10102 Too little to withdraw
10103 Exceed daily limitation of withdraw
10104 Cancel was rejected
10105 Request has been cancelled
10106 None trade time
10107 Start price exception
10108 can not create order
10109 wallet address is not mapping
10110 transfer fee is not mapping
10111 mount > 0
10112 fee is too lower
10113 transfer fee is 0
10114 Incorrect precision of withdrawal quantity
10116 Upgrading in progress, please try again later
10117 Station withdrawal not enabled
10119 Interface upgrade, please use /v2/supplement/
10120 Less than the minimum transaction limit
10121 The order amount exceeds the maximum transaction limit for a single transaction
10122 Price exceeds the upper limit
10123 Price below the lower limit
10600 intercepted by replay attacks filter, check timestamp
10601 Interface closed unavailable
10701 invalid asset code
10702 not allowed deposit
10801 Withdrawal address whitelist verify failed

Common Endpoints

Available trading pairs

curl ""



HTTP Request

GET /v2/




Parameter Type Required Note
data object Yes pair info

Trading pairs

Acquiring the basic information of all trading pairs

curl ""


          "priceAccuracy": "2",
          "quantityAccuracy": "4",
          "symbol": "pch_usdt"

HTTP Request

GET /v2/




Parameter Type Required Note
minTranQua string Yes Min TranQua
symbol string Yes Trading Pair,eth_btc:Ethereum, zec_btc:ZCash
quantityAccuracy string Yes Quantity Accuracy
priceAccuracy string Yes Price Accuracy

Withdrawal configurations

curl ""



HTTP Request

GET /v2/


Parameter Type Required Note
assetCode String No Code of the asset


Parameter Type Required Note
assetCode string Yes Code of token
min double Yes Minimum amount to withdraw for out-exchange
minTransfer double Yes Minimum amount to withdraw for in-exchange
canWithDraw boolean Yes Whether the currency can be withdrawn
fee double Yes Charged fee for withdrawal(amount)
amountScale int Yes amount scale for out-exchange
transferAmtScale int Yes amount scale for in-exchange
type int Yes 1:fixed fee,2:rate fee
chain string no chain for usdt:OMNI or ERC20

Get timestamp

curl ""



HTTP Request

GET /v2/




Parameter Type Required Note
data long Yes timestamp

Wallet Endpoints

System status

Get system status.

return example:


HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

This interface does not accept any parameters

Return parameters

parameter name parameter type required description
status string yes system status: 0 system maintenance, 1 normal

Get all coins information

Get all the currency information for the user (LBK supports deposit and withdrawal operations).

return example:

    "usableAmt": "110.00869",
    "assetAmt": "110.02869",
    "networkList": [
        "isDefault": true,
        "withdrawFeeRate": "10",
        "name": "btc",
        "withdrawMin": 0.01,
        "minLimit": 0.0001,
        "minDeposit": 0.001,
        "feeAssetCode": "usdt",
        "withdrawFee": "1",
        "type": 3,
        "coin": "btc",
        "network": "btc"
        "isDefault": false,
        "withdrawFeeRate": "",
        "name": "btctron",
        "withdrawMin": 0.0001,
        "minLimit": 0.02,
        "minDeposit": 0.0124,
        "feeAssetCode": "btc",
        "withdrawFee": "0.01",
        "type": 1,
        "coin": "btc",
        "network": "trx"
    "freezeAmt": "0.02",
    "coin": "btc"

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
api_key string is The api_key applied by the user
sign string is signature of request parameter

Return parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
coin string is asset name
assetAmt string is asset balance
usableAmt string is usableAmt
freezeAmt string Yes FreezeAsset
networkList [] is Multi-chain information
isDefault boolean is default chain
withdrawFeeRate string yes withdrawal rate
name string is chain name
withdrawMin BigDecimal Yes Single Minimum Withdrawal
minLimit BigDecimal Yes Minimum single transfer in the station
minDeposit BigDecimal Yes Minimum Deposit
feeAssetCode string Yes Delisted currency withdrawal fee currency
withdrawFee string Yes Withdrawal Fee
type int is fee type, 1 fixed, 2 percent, 3 fixed plus percent
coin string is currency
network string is mainnet


User withdrawal

return example:

  "fee": 2,
  "withdrawId": 93182

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
api_key string is The api_key applied by the user
sign string is signature of request parameter
address string is withdrawal address, when type=1, it is the transfer account
networkName string No Chain name, get it through the Get All Coin Information interface
coin string is currency
amount string is withdrawal amount
memo string No memo: memo word of bts and dct
mark string No Withdrawal Notes
fee string is fee
name string No Remarks of the address. After filling in this parameter, it will be added to the withdrawal address book of the currency.
withdrawOrderId string No Custom withdrawal id
type string No type=1 is for intra-site transfer

Return parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
fee BigDecimal Yes Fees
withdrawId int is withdrawal id

Get recharge history

User access to recharge history

return example:

    "insertTime": 1644378926000,
    "amount": 443,
    "address": "QiEik5W3szxqtjJnzp14apfrY7McUdX9sa",
    "networkName": "lbk20",
    "txId": "0x4baf730c242fe6d85559edb40399daaf8dca16255382a5ce36934f0ff964a776",
    "coin": "lbk",
    "status": "2"

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
api_key string is The api_key applied by the user
sign string is signature of request parameter
status string No Recharge status: ("1","Applying"),("2","Recharge successful"),("3","Recharge failed"),("4","Already Cancel"), ("5", "Transfer")
coin string no currency
startTime string No Start time, timestamp in milliseconds, default 90 days ago
endTime string no end time, timestamp in milliseconds, default day

Return parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
insertTime timestamp Yes InsertTime
amount BigDecimal Yes Amount of deposit
address String is quantity
networkName string no chain name
txId string is transaction hash
coin string is currency
status string is status

Get withdrawal history

User's coin withdrawal history

return example:

    "amount": 234,//amount
    "coid": "lbk",//currency
    "address": "34252342",//Withdrawal address
    "withdrawOrderId": "werqwerq123425353",//Withdraw customer custom id
    "fee": 2,//fee
    "networkName": "lbk30",//chain name
    "transferType": "Digital Asset Withdrawal",//Withdrawal type
    "txId": "",
    "feeAssetCode": "",//The currency of the fee, the currency of the delisting will be displayed
    "id": 93182,//Reminder id
    "applyTime": 1644476930000,//time
    "status": "1"//("1","Applying"),("2","Cancelled"),("3","Withdrawal failed"),("4","Withdrawal completed ")

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
api_key string is The api_key applied by the user
sign string is signature of request parameter
status string No status: ("1","Applying"),("2","Cancelled"),("3","Withdrawal failed"),("4","Withdrawal complete")
coin string no currency
withdrawOrderId string No Custom withdrawal id
startTime string No Start time, timestamp in milliseconds, default 90 days ago
endTime string no end time, timestamp in milliseconds, default day

The user obtains the deposit address

The user obtains the recharge address

return example:

  "address": "0x1ccbf66250c9a665710e56e00b3a1502495dd269", //address
  "memo": null,
  "coin": "lbk" //currency

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
api_key string is The api_key applied by the user
sign string is signature of request parameter
networkName string no chain name
coin string is currency

List asset details

Listing Asset Details

return example:

  "htmoon": {
    "minWithdrawAmount": 0,
    "stationDrawStatus": true, //Whether it can be transferred within the station
    "depositStatus": false, //Whether it can be recharged
    "withdrawFee": 0, //withdrawal fee
    "withdrawStatus": false //Whether it can be withdrawn
  "phx": {
    "minWithdrawAmount": 0,
    "stationDrawStatus": true,
    "depositStatus": true,
    "withdrawFee": 0,
    "withdrawStatus": true

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
api_key string is The api_key applied by the user
sign string is signature of request parameter
coin string no currency

Transaction fee rate query

User transaction fee rate query

return example:

    "symbol": "lbk_usdt",
    "makerCommission": "0.10",
    "takerCommission": "10.00"

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
api_key string is The api_key applied by the user
sign string is signature of request parameter
category string No Trading pair, eg: lbk_usdt

Query user API Key permissions

Query user API Key permissions

return example:

  "enableSpotTrading": true, //trading
  "createTime": 1643091005000,
  "enableReading": true, //read only
  "ipRestrict": true, //whether to restrict ip
  "enableWithdrawals": true //Withdrawal

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
api_key string is The api_key applied by the user
sign string is signature of request parameter

Market Data Endpoints

Test server connectivity

Test whether the Rest API can be connected.

return example:


HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

This interface does not accept any parameters

Depth information

Get depth information

return example:

    [5370.4, 0.32],
    [5369.5, 0.28],
    [5369.24, 0.05],
    [5368.2, 0.079],
    [5367.9, 0.023]
    [5367.24, 0.32],
    [5367.16, 1.31],
    [5366.18, 0.56],
    [5366.03, 1.42],
    [5365.77, 2.64]

HTTP request

GET /v2/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol String Yes Trading Pair.
size Integer Yes The count of returned items.(1-200)


Parameter name Description
asks Depth of asks (Sellers')
bids Depth of bids (Buyers')

Get the latest price of the trading pair

Get the latest price of a trading pair

return example:

    "symbol": "ht_usdt",
    "price": "97.0000"
    "symbol": "mcc_usdt",
    "price": "10.00"
    "symbol": "un_eth",
    "price": "0.02"

HTTP request

GET /v2/supplement/ticker/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol string No Pair

Symbol Order Book Ticker

The current optimal pending order

return example:

  "symbol": "lbk_usdt",
  "askPrice": "0.011",
  "askQty": "8",
  "bidQty": "1659",
  "bidPrice": "0.01"

HTTP request

GET /v2/supplement/ticker/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol string is coin pair

24hr Ticker

GET the LBank coin quote data, excluding Leveraged Tokens trading pairs (get Leveraged Tokens trading pairs GET /v2/etfTicker/

   curl ""


    "symbol": "btc_usdt",
    "ticker": {
      "high": "34161.64",
      "vol": "8925.492",
      "low": "32659.88",
      "change": "-2.67",
      "turnover": "296494557.82",
      "latest": "33220.36"
    "timestamp": 1626170107873

HTTP Request

GET /v2/ticker/


Parameter Type Required Note
symbol String Yes Pair
Such as: eth_btczec_btcall


Parameter Note
vol 24 hr trading volume
high 24 hr highest price
low 24 hr lowest price
change Fluctuation (%) in 24 hr
turnover Total Turn over in 24 hr
latest Latest Price
timestamp Timestamp of latest transaction

Leveraged Tokens 24hr Ticker

Get LBank Leveraged Tokens market data

   curl ""


    symbol: "btc3l_usdt",
    ticker: {
      high: "0.111848",
      vol: "4460664.1434",
      low: "0.098938",
      change: "-3.11",
      turnover: "463226.2868",
      latest: "0.104219"
    timestamp: 1668648723813

HTTP Request

GET /v2/etfTicker/


Parameter Type Required Note
symbol String Yes Pair
Such as: btc3l_usdtall


Parameter Note
vol 24 hr trading volume
high 24 hr highest price
low 24 hr lowest price
change Fluctuation (%) in 24 hr
turnover Total Turn over in 24 hr
latest Latest Price
timestamp Timestamp of latest transaction

Recent transactions list

List of recent transactions

return example:

    "quoteQty": 0.022,
    "price": 0.011,
    "qty": 2,
    "id": "10e71fd6-99ab-425e-939d-1447dfbe594e",
    "time": 1644396172793,
    "isBuyerMaker": true
    "quoteQty": 0.67315789,
    "price": 0.67315789473,
    "qty": 1,
    "id": "46a1e423-be95-4ded-8887-a489d38577a8",
    "time": 1644386190138,
    "isBuyerMaker": true

HTTP request

GET /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
symbol string is coin pair
size string is Returns size
time string No Returns size pieces of data after the timestamp, if empty, returns the latest size pieces of data

Query K Bar Data

   curl ""



HTTP Request

GET /v2/


Name Type Required Description
symbol String Yes Trading Pair eth_btc
size Integer Yes Count of the bars (1-2000)
type String Yes minute1:1 minute
minute5:5 minutes
minute30:30 minutes
hour1:1 hour
hour4:4 hours
hour8:8 hours
hour12:12 hours
day1:1 day
week1:1 week
month1:1 month
time String Yes Timestamp (of Seconds)


Parameter Note
1482311500 Timestamp
5423.23 Open Price
5472.80 Highest Price
5516.09 Lowest Price
5462 Close Price
234.3250 Trading Volume

Spot Trading Endpoints

Test order

test order

return example:

  "symbol": "lbk_usdt",
  "custom_id": "12074652-d827"

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
api_key String is the api_key applied by the user
symbol String Yes Transaction pair eth_btc: Ethereum; zec_btc: Zerocoin
type String yes The type of the order, including buy, sell, buy_market, sell_market, buy_maker, sell_maker, buy_ioc, sell_ioc, buy_fok, sell_fok
price String Reference description Order price Buy and sell orders: greater than or equal to 0
amount String Reference description Amount of transactions Sell order and sell order: BTC amount is greater than or equal to 0.001
sign String is signature of request parameter
custom_id String No User-defined ID, do not repeat by yourself
window Long No Expiration time of order, milliseconds, automatic cancellation of order after timeout (considering the public network time, it is recommended not to exceed 5s)

Place an order

place an order

return example:

  "symbol": "lbk_usdt",
  "custom_id": "12074652-d827"

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
api_key String is the api_key applied by the user
symbol String Yes Transaction pair eth_btc: Ethereum; zec_btc: Zerocoin
type String yes The type of the order, including buy, sell, buy_market, sell_market, buy_maker, sell_maker, buy_ioc, sell_ioc, buy_fok, sell_fok
price String Reference description Order price Buy and sell orders: greater than or equal to 0
amount String Reference description Amount of transactions Sell order and sell order: BTC amount is greater than or equal to 0.001
sign String is signature of request parameter
custom_id String No User-defined ID, do not repeat by yourself
window Long No Expiration time of order, milliseconds, automatic cancellation of order after timeout (considering the public network time, it is recommended not to exceed 5s)

buy, sell

limit order

buy_market, sell_market

market order
buy_market: price must be passed, quoted asset quantity;
sell_market: amount must be passed, basic asset quantity;


If the order price is greater than or equal to the lowest selling price in the market, the order will be rejected;
If the order price is less than the lowest selling price in the market, the order will be accepted.


If the order price is less than or equal to the highest buy price in the market, the order will be rejected;
If the order price is greater than the highest buy price in the market, the order will be accepted.

buy_ioc, sell_ioc

Immediate or Cancel order, IOC is an order to buy or sell that attempts to execute all or part immediately and then cancels any unfilled portion of the order

buy_fok, sell_fok

Fill or Kill order, FOK is a type of time-in-force designation used in trading that instructs a brokerage to execute a transaction immediately and completely or not at all.


Time synchronization security All signature interfaces need to pass timestamp parameters. When receiving a request, the server will determine the timestamp in the request. If the request is sent earlier than 5000 ms, the request will be considered invalid. This time window value can be customized by sending the optional parameter window. In addition, if the server calculates that the client timestamp is more than one second in the 'future' of the server's time, the request will also be rejected. The state of the Internet is not 100% reliable and cannot be completely relied upon, so the delay between your application and the LBank server will be jitter. This is the purpose of setting the window. If you are engaged in high-frequency trading and have high requirements on the trading timeliness, you can flexibly set the window to meet your requirements.

Cancel order

Cancel order

return example:

  "symbol": "lbk_usdt",
  "origClientOrderId": "10e71fd6-99ab-425e-939d-1447dfbe594e",
  "orderId": "46a1e423-be95-4ded-8887-a489d38577a8",
  "price": "2.00000000",
  "origQty": "1.00000000",
  "executedQty": "0.00000000",
  "status": 3,
  "timeInForce": "GTC",
  "tradeType": "buy"

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
api_key String is the api_key applied by the user
sign String is signature of request parameter
symbol string is coin pair
orderId string no orderid, User-defined id and order id must be passed
origClientOrderId string No User-defined id and order id must be passed

Cancel all pending orders for a single trading pair

Cancel all pending orders for a single trading pair

return example:

    "symbol": "lbk_usdt",
    "origClientOrderId": "10e71fd6-99ab-425e-939d-1447dfbe594e",
    "orderId": "12074652-d827-4f8d-8f52-92a005c6ce53",
    "price": "2.00000000",
    "origQty": "1.00000000",
    "executedQty": "0.00000000",
    "status": 3,
    "tradeType": "buy"
    "symbol": "lbk_usdt",
    "origClientOrderId": "5ca3ced8-74ea-46eb-9365-ad78c2c6f606",
    "orderId": "46a1e423-be95-4ded-8887-a489d38577a8",
    "price": "2.00000000",
    "origQty": "1.00000000",
    "executedQty": "0.00000000",
    "status": 3,
    "tradeType": "buy"

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
api_key String is the api_key applied by the user
sign String is signature of request parameter
symbol string is coin pair

Query order

checking order

return example:

  "symbol": "lbk_usdt", // trading pair
  "orderId": "10e71fd6-99ab-425e-939d-1447dfbe594e", // order ID of the system
  "clientOrderId": "46a1e423-be95-4ded-8887-a489d38577a8", // ID set by the client
  "price": "0.1", // order price
  "origQty": "1.0", // The original order quantity set by the user
  "executedQty": "0.0", // number of orders to trade
  "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0.0", // Cumulative transaction amount
  "status": "3", // Order status -1: Cancelled 0: Unfilled 1: Partially filled 2: Completely filled 3: Partially filled has been cancelled 4: Cancellation is being processed
  "type": "buy", // order type, such as market order, spot order, etc.
  "time": 1499827319559, // order time
  "updateTime": 1499827319559, // last update time
  "origQuoteOrderQty": "0.000000" // original transaction amount

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
api_key String is the api_key applied by the user
sign String is signature of request parameter
symbol string is coin pair
orderId string no orderid, User-defined id and order id must be passed
origClientOrderId string No User-defined id and order id must be passed

Current pending order

current pending order

return example:

    "symbol": "lbk_usdt", // trading pair
    "orderId": "10e71fd6-99ab-425e-939d-1447dfbe594e", // order ID of the system
    "clientOrderId": "46a1e423-be95-4ded-8887-a489d38577a8", // ID set by the client
    "price": "0.1", // order price
    "origQty": "1.0", // The original order quantity set by the user
    "executedQty": "0.0", // number of orders to trade
    "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0.0", // Cumulative transaction amount
    "status": "3", // Order status -1: Cancelled 0: Unfilled 1: Partially filled 2: Completely filled 3: Partially filled has been cancelled 4: Cancellation is being processed
    "type": "buy", // order type, such as market order, spot order, etc.
    "time": 1499827319559, // order time
    "updateTime": 1499827319559, // last update time
    "origQuoteOrderQty": "0.000000" // original transaction amount

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
sign string is signature of request parameter
api_key string is The api_key applied by the user
symbol string Yes Transaction pair eth_btc: Ethereum; zec_btc: Zerocoin
current_page string is current page number
page_length string Yes Number of data items per page (not less than 1, not more than 200)

Query all orders

Check all orders(The default query is for orders placed within 24 hours. When the status is empty, the default query is for cancelled and completely filled orders)

return example:

    "symbol": "lbk_usdt", // trading pair
    "orderId": "5ca3ced8-74ea-46eb-9365-ad78c2c6f606", // order ID of the system
    "clientOrderId": "10e71fd6-99ab-425e-939d-1447dfbe594e", // ID set by the client
    "price": "0.1", // order price
    "origQty": "1.0", // The original order quantity set by the user
    "executedQty": "0.0", // number of orders to trade
    "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0.0", // Cumulative transaction amount
    "status": "3", // Order status -1: Cancelled 0: Unfilled 1: Partially filled 2: Completely filled 3: Partially filled has been cancelled 4: Cancellation is being processed
    "type": "buy", // order type, such as market order, spot order, etc.
    "time": 1499827319559, // order time
    "updateTime": 1499827319559, // last update time
    "origQuoteOrderQty": "0.000000" // original transaction amount

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
sign string is signature of request parameter
api_key string is The api_key applied by the user
symbol string Yes Transaction pair eth_btc: Ethereum; zec_btc: Zerocoin
current_page string is current page number
page_length string Yes Number of data items per page (not less than 1, not more than 200)
status string No Order Status

Account information

account information

return example:

  "canTrade": true,
  "canWithdraw": true,
  "canDeposit": true,
  "balances": [
      "asset": "BTC",
      "free": "4723846.89208129",
      "locked": "0.00000000"
      "asset": "LTC",
      "free": "4763368.68006011",
      "locked": "0.00000000"

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
sign string is signature of request parameter
api_key string is The api_key applied by the user

Historical transaction details

Historical transaction details

return example:

    "symbol": "lbk_usdt", // trading pair
    "id": "46a1e423-be95-4ded-8887-a489d38577a8", // trade ID
    "orderId": "deec9d13-bab3-411d-b68e-98a83c34c570", // order ID
    "price": "4.00000100", // transaction price
    "qty": "12.00000000", // volume
    "quoteQty": "48.000012", // transaction amount
    "commission": "10.10000000", // transaction fee amount
    "time": 1499865549590, // transaction time
    "isBuyer": true, // is the buyer
    "isMaker": false // whether it is a pending order

HTTP request

POST /v2/supplement/

request parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
sign string is signature of request parameter
api_key string is The api_key applied by the user
symbol string Yes Transaction pair eth_btc, btc_usdt, eth_usdt;
startTime string No Start time yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss (UTC+8), the maximum value is today, the default is yesterday
endTime string No End time yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss (UTC+8), the maximum value is today, the default is today
The query window for the start and end time is up to 2 days
fromId string No The starting transaction ID of the query
limit string No Number of queries, default 100, [1-100]

WebSocket API (Market Data)

Request & subscription instruction

1.One-time request to get k-line needs extra parameters defined in following

Parameters Parameters Type Required Description
start String fasle Start time. Accept 2 formats, such as 2018-08-03T17:32:00 (beijing time), another timestamp, such as 1533288720 (Accurate to second)
end String false Deadline
size String false Number of kbars
  1. One-time request to get trade records needs extra parameters defined in following
Parameters Parameters Type Required Description
size String Y Number of trades
     # Get k-line data Request
     # Get depth data Request
     # Get transaction data Request
     # Get market data Request

Subscription of K-line Data





Parameter Parameter Type Required Description
action String Y Action requested: subscribe or unsubscribe
subscribe String Y kbar
kbar String Y To subscribe to k-line types
1min: 1 minute
5min: 5 minutes
15min: 15 minutes
30min: 30 minutes
1hr: 1 hour
4hr: 4 hours
day: 1 day
week: 1 week
month: 1 month
year: 1 year
pair String Y Trading pair:eth_btc


Parameters Parameters Type Description
t String K-line updates the time
o BigDecimal Open price
h BigDecimal Highest price
l BigDecimal Lowest price
c BigDecimal Close price
v BigDecimal Trading volume
a BigDecimal Aggregated turnover (summation of price times volume for each trade)
n BigDecimal Number of trades
slot String K-line type

Market Depth





Parameters Parameters Type Required Description
action String Y Type of action requested:subscribe,unsubscribe
subscribe String Y depth
depth String Y Pro-choise:10/50/100
pair String Y Trading pair:eth_btc


Parameters Parameters Type Description
asks List Selling side: list.get(0): delegated price, list.get(1): delegated quantity
bids List Buying side

//: # ()

//: # ()

//: # ()

//: # ()

//: # ()

Trade record





Parameters Parameters Type Required Description
action String Y Action requested: subscribe or unsubscribe
subscribe String Y trade
pair String Y Trading pair:eth_btc


Parameters Parameters Type Description
amount String Recent trading volume
price Integer Trade price
volumePrice String Aggregated turnover
direction String sell,buy
TS String Deal time






Parameters Parameters Type Required Description
action String Y Action requested:subscribe,unsubscribe
subscribe String Y tick
pair String Y Trading pair:eth_btc


Parameters Parameters Type Description
high BigDecimal Highest price in last 24 hours
low BigDecimal Lowest price in last 24 hours
latest BigDecimal Lastest traded price
vol BigDecimal Trading volume
turnover BigDecimal Aggregated turnover (summation of price times volume for each trade)
to_cny BigDecimal Such as eth_btc, convert btc into cny
to_usd BigDecimal Such as eth_btc, convert btc into usd
cny BigDecimal Such as eth_btc, convert eth into cny
usd BigDecimal Such as eth_btc, convert eth into usd
dir String sell, buy
change BigDecimal Price limit in last 24 hours

WebSocket API(Asset & Order)

Create subscribeKey

The key is valid in 60 minutes from creation.

curl ""



HTTP Request

POST /v2/subscribe/


Parameter Type Required Note
api_key string Yes User's api_key
sign string Yes signature of the request


Parameter Type Required Note
data string Yes subscribeKey

Extend the validity of subscribeKey

The key is valid in 60 minutes from this call.

curl ""



HTTP Request

POST /v2/subscribe/


Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String Y API key requested by user
sign String Y Signature of parameter in request
subscribeKey String Y subscribeKey


Parameter Type Required Description
result boolean Yes true or false

Close subscribeKey

Close the data stream for an account.

curl ""



HTTP Request

POST /v2/subscribe/


Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String Y API key requested by user
sign String Y Signature of parameter in request
subscribeKey String Y subscribeKey


Parameter Type Required Description
result boolean Yes true or false

Update subscribed orders

Such events will be pushed when there are new orders created, new orders dealed or new status changes of the account.

      "action": "subscribe",
      "subscribe": "orderUpdate",
      "subscribeKey": "24d87a4xxxxxd04b78713f42643xxxxf4b6f6378xxxxx35836260",
      "pair": "all",


          "accAmt": "0.003",
          "avgPrice": "0.02455211",
          "orderAmt": "0.003",
          "orderPrice": "0.02455211",


Parameters Parameters Type Required Description
action String Y Action requested: subscribe
subscribe String Y orderUpdate
subscribeKey String Y Obtained through the REST interface of the /v2/subscribe/
pair String Y Trading pair :eth_btc. Support matching all: all


Parameters Parameters Type Description
uuid String Order ID
customerID String Order customer ID
symbol String Trading pair
type String buy or sell
txUuid String Trading record ID
amount String Trading volume
volumePrice String Aggregated trading value
role Long maker,taker
price String Last price(When the order status is' 1 'or' 2 ' ,it is the transaction price, and the others are the Delegat price)
orderPrice String Order price
orderAmt String Order amount
avgPrice String Average strike price
accAmt String Accumulative amount
remainAmt String Remaining amount(sell order it's remaining amount, buy order it's remaining trading value)
orderStatus Integer Order status
1: Partial sale
2:Close the deal
updateTime Long Updating time of order

Update subscribed asset

Such events will be pushed when the balance of assets under the account changes (increase, deduction, available freeze, freeze release).

      "action": "subscribe",
      "subscribe": "assetUpdate",
      "subscribeKey": "24d87a4xxxxxd04b78713f42643xxxxf4b6f6378xxxxx35836260"


     "data": {
         "asset": "114548.31881315",
         "assetCode": "usdt",
         "free": "97430.6739041",
         "freeze": "17117.64490905",
         "time": 1627300043270,
         "type": "ORDER_CREATE"
     "SERVER": "V2",
     "type": "assetUpdate",
     "TS": "2021-07-26T19:48:03.548"


Parameters Parameters Type Required Description
action String Y Action requested: subscribe
subscribe String Y assetUpdate
subscribeKey String Y Obtained through the REST interface of the /v2/subscribe/


Parameters Parameters Type Description
asset String Total balance of the asset
assetCode String Asset Code
free String Available balance of the asset
freeze String Frozen balance of the asset
time Long Update time
type String Update type

type Update type:

Update type Description
ORDER_CREATE Order create
ORDER_DEAL Order deal
ORDER_CANCEL Order cancel